Ordering Page

Ordering Instructions

We're an old-fashioned mail order company who is slowly going hi-tech.  As such, we deal only in checks and money orders at this time.  Our process for doing it online is simple: fill in the order form completely.  Make sure to include your name, full address and telkephone number.  Submit the for mto us.  We will get back to you - usually in 24 hours, 72 hours at the latest.  We will confirm the order's cost and that your items are in stock.  From there, you just make out a check to T. SHEIL (that'sthe name of our company; we're a sole proprietor) and mail it to T. SHEIL, PO box 080437, Staten Island, NY 10308-0005.  Allow up to six weeks delivery - we're usually pretty quick, but sometimes thing happen.  (If it isn't there in four weeks, PLEASE contact us!)

Remember to add in the following:

Place Your Order

Your full name:
Your email address: (e.g.: you@aol.com)

Your phone number (with country, city, area codes):

City/Town: State/Prov.: Post./Zip Code:

Which Scale do you usually prefer?

Please list the items you desire, quantity of each, and price
Fill out this form and send - we will get back to you within 24 hours to confirm your order.  Upon receiving confirmation, you can remit payment.

In the space below, please add any comments, suggestions, requests, etc.

Thank You!  We will get back to you soon!

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